Cupping is a therapy treatment which uses glass, silicone, or bamboo cups to create a suction on the skin. This negative pressure facilitates the draining of excess fluids and toxins, stimulates the peripheral nervous system, brings blood flow to stagnant muscles and skin, and loosens adhesions, connective tissue and stubborn knots in soft tissue. The cups are commonly applied to the back, arms, legs, hips and even other regions of the body like the stomach or neck or face. They are either placed and left for several minutes or are massage up and down the spine with oil.
Cupping has been recently made more popular through various Asian bodyworks like Chinese medicine, though it has a very long history in many cultures as an effective therapy for several ailments including the treatment for colds and flues and has been used in Traditional Thai Medicine for many years.
During your session no matter what style of cupping used, the client will feel a slight pressure on the skin as the muscles and fascia are pulled into the cup. There is rarely any pain associated with the treatment, if discomfort is experienced the suction pressure can be adjusted by your practitioner. The technique will leave red, blue or purplish marks that should disappear within a few days or weeks. These marks are closer to a hicky and not a bruise so no pain in usually experienced afterward. The color that appears is important information for the practitioner informing them of the condition of the muscles, tissue and or meridian point.
As with the scrapping technique it is important to keep the area treated warm and protected from cold and wind after a session.
At Lotus Thai Massage your practitioner will suggest cupping after a treatment if it seems appropriate. You may also request cupping if it is a treatment you enjoy!