Author Archives: Liz

Your First Session!


I am thrilled you are considering trying Traditional Thai Massage! I hope to cover some first timer questions that you might be curious about, so let’s give this a go.


Prepare for your massage…clothing and stuff.

Thai Massage is a clothed massage! I will provide clothing for you, though if you are a large person you might want to bring your own, T-shirt and soft loose cotton pants are best! I know some people like to wear yoga pants, but loose pants are ideal as it allows me to access your skin to apply balms or cups, plus it feels better not to be constrained by the material and saying this, if yoga pants is all you have that’s okay too!

If possible make time in your schedule for rest or at least not rushing after your session. I know it is not always possible, but giving yourself the opportunity to listen to what your body needs is one major step in improving your health.

You Arrive,

It is best to arrive 10 minutes prior to your treatment time, you will fill out a Client Form regarding your health. It is imperitive ( really important) that you are as clear as possible regarding your health and any issues you might be having. I have tried to keep the form short and consice but if there is any additional information that would be pertinant to you getting the most our your treatment, please do tell! My goal is to assist you in feeling better and the more I know the better I can help you, even if it seems unrelated to your current health issue.





Herbal Balms & Liniments

Traditional Thai Massage therapies use herbal balms and liniments to work the soft tissue and joints aiding in softening and releasing bound tissue like knots  and scar tissue while providing pain relief.  Here is a list of commonly used theraoeautic ointments as well as the newly discovered topical cannabis creams and oils.

Thai Yellow Balm: This is a traditional balm used widely all over Thailand. The main herbs used in this balm are Menthol, Plai Ginger, Lemon Grass. This balm has both cooling and warming properties.

Pom Prom (Chines medicine): Based in Chines medicine this balm

Pain B Gone gel: Based in the healing plant of Arnica, with added Rosemerry and Peppement.

Cannabis cream/oil : I welcome you to bring your own if you like to. Ina carrier oil like coconut and other added soothing herbs like lemon grass, menthol or camphor..the cannabis cream can either be a straight CBD or THC or a mix of both. Either way it is very effective for relaxing the muscles. It is know to have no psychoactive effects on the brain.